The Best Methods To Get Rid of Renovation Waste

January 6, 2023BlogComments Off on The Best Methods To Get Rid of Renovation Waste

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When you begin a renovation, waste is the one thing that is likely to take up a lot of space and time. This is especially true when you’re doing a renovation that requires a lot of layout changes/tearing things down. The good news is that there are effective ways to get rid of this junk so you can spend more time focusing on the renovation steps that matter most. Here at Cube Bin Rentals, we want to talk about some of the best ways to get rid of this remodeling waste (including bin rentals!) so you can make sure your project goes off without a hitch.  

Donate Certain Items 

When appliances and furniture are being put to the trash but they still operate completely fine, why not donate them instead? This, above all methods, is a really good way to give back to the community and help those in need. Not only will you be getting rid of things quickly and safely, but they will be going to a good cause and helping those who need it most. 


Continuing on the point of doing good for the community, recycling certain items/waste helps build a better future and avoids landfills from that extra garbage you’d be throwing away. Normal waste either sits in a large landfill or gets burned. This method pollutes the ecosystem on the ground, in the air, and sometimes even in the water, interrupting the systems of important species and doing damage to the planet. When you recycle, however, that waste is being turned into something that can be reused down the line.  

Reuse As Much As Possible 

While recycling items creates the opportunity for something to be reused by someone else, why not remove that extra step in the middle and find use for items you were initially going to toss? While a window frame may initially seem useless, you can use this wood to create a beautiful picture frame or a birdhouse for your backyard. When you get creative and start to think like an innovator, the chances for reuse in your home becomes endless. 

Hire a Bin Rental Service 

When all else fails and you’re in need of a solution that is fast, easy and convenient, bin rentals are the #1 fix. With a wide selection of different bin sizes and types, you can find the one that is best for your project and move the trash to a space away from the complexities of your renovation. Here at Cube Bin Rentals, we offer affordable, high quality bin rentals in Toronto. If you’re interested in learning more about how we can help with your situation, be sure to phone our team at 647-967-9127 today! 

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